Mor Naaman

Professor of Information Science, Cornell Tech

mor.naaman [AT]


I am the Don and Mibs Follett professor of Information Science at Cornell Tech where I lead the Social Technologies research group and serve as the associate dean for faculty affairs. Previously, I was an assistant professor at Rutgers SC&I, led a research team at Yahoo! Research Berkeley, and got a PhD from Stanford. Before all that, I played professional basketball in Israel. I sometimes consult or even co-found startups.

My research focus is on topics related to Technology, Media and Democracy, and in particular the trustworthiness of our information ecosystem. We use a wide range of tools -- from machine learning, to computational social science, to online experiments, to qualitative methods -- to understand and try to address these challenges, with an increasing focus on the impact of AI-mediated communication. Our sponsors over the years included, among others, Yahoo, Google, Facebook and the National Science Foundation.

Prospective Students

I do not take new students every year. I will only be considering new students who are committed to working on issues related to Technology, Media and Democracy. Feel free to email me with information about your relevant experience and goals, although I do not guarantee a response. To work with me, you can apply to the Information Science or Computer Science PhD programs at Cornell, and mention me in your application. If you want to learn more about what you can expect from working with me, please take a look at my PhD syllabus/guide.


For a (likely) more up-to-date list of publications, see Google Scholar.

AI Rules? Characterizing Reddit Community Policies Towards AI-Generated Content

Travis Lloyd, Jennah Gosciak, Tung Nguyen, Mor Naaman

Preprint. 2024.

Examining the Prevalence and Dynamics of AI-Generated Media in Art Subreddits

Hana Matatov, Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Ofra Amir, Mor Naaman

Preprint. 2024.

Generative AI and Perceptual Harms: Who's Suspected of using LLMs?

Kowe Kadoma, Danaë Metaxa, Mor Naaman

Preprint. 2024.

AI Suggestions Homogenize Writing Toward Western Styles and Diminish Cultural Nuances

Dhruv Agarwal, Mor Naaman, Aditya Vashistha

Preprint. 2024.

Stereo-Typing: LLM Chatbots' Appearance of Typing Can Increase Belief in a False Stereotype

Sterling Williams-Ceci, Lior Zalmanson, Michael Macy, Mor Naaman

Preprint. 2024.

Estimating Exposure to Information on Social Networks

Buddhika Nettasinghe, Kowe Kadoma, Mor Naaman, Vikram Krishnamurthy

ACM Transactions on Social Computing. 2024.

Trustworthiness Evaluations of Search Results: The Impact of Rank and Misinformation

Sterling Williams-Ceci, Michael Macy, Mor Naaman

Nature Scientific Reports. 2024.

Bias in AI Autocomplete Suggestions Leads to Attitude Shift on Societal Issues

Sterling Williams-Ceci, Maurice Jakesch, Advait Bhat, Kowe Kadoma, Lior Zalmanson, Mor Naaman

Preprint. 2024.

The Role of Inclusion, Control, and Ownership in Workplace AI-Mediated Communication

Kowe Kadoma, Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Jenny Fu, Christin Munsch, Danaë Metaxa, Mor Naaman

CHI 2024

Under the (neighbor)hood: Hyperlocal Surveillance on Nextdoor

Madiha Zahrah Choksi, Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Travis Lloyd, Ruojia Tao, James Grimmelmann, Mor Naaman

CHI 2024

'There Has To Be a Lot That We're Missing': Moderating AI-Generated Content on Reddit

Travis Lloyd, Joseph Reagle, Mor Naaman

arXiv Preprint. 2023.

Human Heuristics for AI-Generated Language Are Flawed

Maurice Jakesch, Jeffrey Hancock, Mor Naaman

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 2023.

Co-Writing with Opinionated Language Models Affects Users' Views

Maurice Jakesch, Advait Bhat, Daniel Buschek, Lior Zalmanson, Mor Naaman

CHI 2023

Best Paper Honorable Mention

Understanding Local News Social Coverage and Engagement at Scale during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Ting-Wei Chiang, Mor Naaman

ICWSM 2022

Characterizing Alternative Monetization Strategies on YouTube

Yiqing Hua, Manoel Horta Ribeiro, Robert West, Thomas Ristenpart, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2022

VoterFraud2020: a Multi-modal Dataset of Election Fraud Claims on Twitter

Anton Abilov, Yiqing Hua, Hana Matatov, Ofra Amir, Mor Naaman

ICWSM 2021

AI-Mediated Communication: Definition, Research Agenda, and Ethical Considerations

Jeffrey T Hancock, Mor Naaman, Karen Levy

Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 25(1). 2020.

When Do People Trust Their Social Groups?

Xiao Ma, Justin Cheng, Shankar Iyer, Mor Naaman

CHI 2019

AI-Mediated Communication: How the Perception that Profile Text was Written by AI Affects Trustworthiness

Maurice Jakesch, Megan French, Xiao Ma, Jeff Hancock, Mor Naaman

CHI 2019

Self-disclosure and Perceived Trustworthiness of Airbnb Host Profiles

Xiao Ma, Jeff Hancock, Kenneth Lim Mingjie, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2017

Best Paper Honorable Mention

Is it Really About Me? Message Content in Social Awareness Streams

Mor Naaman, Jeff Boase, Chih-Hui Lai

CSCW 2010

Motivational, Structural and Tenure Factors that Impact Online Community Photo Sharing

Oded Nov, Mor Naaman, Chen Ye

ICWSM 2009

Best Paper Award

World Explorer: Visualizing Aggregate Data from Unstructured Text in Geo-Referenced Collections

Shane Ahern, Mor Naaman, Rahul Nair, Jeannie Yang

JCDL 2007

Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award

Why We Tag: Motivations for Annotation in Mobile and Online Media

Morgan Ames, Mor Naaman

CHI 2007

HT06, Tagging Paper, Taxonomy, Flickr, Academic Article, ToRead

Cameron Marlow, Mor Naaman, danah boyd, Marc Davis


Automatic Organization for Digital Photographs with Geographic Coordinates

Mor Naaman, Yee Jiun Song, Andreas Paepcke, Hector Garcia-Molina

JCDL 2004

Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award

AI Rules? Characterizing Reddit Community Policies Towards AI-Generated Content

Travis Lloyd, Jennah Gosciak, Tung Nguyen, Mor Naaman

Preprint. 2024.

Examining the Prevalence and Dynamics of AI-Generated Media in Art Subreddits

Hana Matatov, Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Ofra Amir, Mor Naaman

Preprint. 2024.

Generative AI and Perceptual Harms: Who's Suspected of using LLMs?

Kowe Kadoma, Danaë Metaxa, Mor Naaman

Preprint. 2024.

AI Suggestions Homogenize Writing Toward Western Styles and Diminish Cultural Nuances

Dhruv Agarwal, Mor Naaman, Aditya Vashistha

Preprint. 2024.

Stereo-Typing: LLM Chatbots' Appearance of Typing Can Increase Belief in a False Stereotype

Sterling Williams-Ceci, Lior Zalmanson, Michael Macy, Mor Naaman

Preprint. 2024.

Estimating Exposure to Information on Social Networks

Buddhika Nettasinghe, Kowe Kadoma, Mor Naaman, Vikram Krishnamurthy

ACM Transactions on Social Computing. 2024.

Trustworthiness Evaluations of Search Results: The Impact of Rank and Misinformation

Sterling Williams-Ceci, Michael Macy, Mor Naaman

Nature Scientific Reports. 2024.

Not Quite Filling the Void: Comparing the Perceptions of Local Online Groups and Local Media Pages on Facebook

Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Mor Naaman, Jenna Fields

CSCW 2024

Bias in AI Autocomplete Suggestions Leads to Attitude Shift on Societal Issues

Sterling Williams-Ceci, Maurice Jakesch, Advait Bhat, Kowe Kadoma, Lior Zalmanson, Mor Naaman

Preprint. 2024.

The Role of Inclusion, Control, and Ownership in Workplace AI-Mediated Communication

Kowe Kadoma, Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Jenny Fu, Christin Munsch, Danaë Metaxa, Mor Naaman

CHI 2024

Under the (neighbor)hood: Hyperlocal Surveillance on Nextdoor

Madiha Zahrah Choksi, Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Travis Lloyd, Ruojia Tao, James Grimmelmann, Mor Naaman

CHI 2024

'There Has To Be a Lot That We're Missing': Moderating AI-Generated Content on Reddit

Travis Lloyd, Joseph Reagle, Mor Naaman

arXiv Preprint. 2023.

Insights from a Comparative Study on the Variety, Velocity, Veracity, and Viability of Crowdsourced and Professional Fact-Checking Services

Andy Zhao, Mor Naaman

Journal of Online Trust & Safety. 2023.

Human Heuristics for AI-Generated Language Are Flawed

Maurice Jakesch, Jeffrey Hancock, Mor Naaman

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). 2023.

Co-Writing with Opinionated Language Models Affects Users' Views

Maurice Jakesch, Advait Bhat, Daniel Buschek, Lior Zalmanson, Mor Naaman

CHI 2023

Best Paper Honorable Mention

Artificial Intelligence in Communication Impacts Language and Social Relationships

Jess Hohenstein, Dominic DiFranzo, Rene F Kizilcec, Zhila Aghajari, Hannah Mieczkowski, Karen Levy, Mor Naaman, Jeff Hancock, Malte Jung

Nature Scientific Reports. 2023.

Belief in partisan news depends on favorable content more than on a trusted source

Maurice Jakesch, Mor Naaman, Michael Macy

PsyArXiv Preprint. 2023.

Understanding Local News Social Coverage and Engagement at Scale during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Ting-Wei Chiang, Mor Naaman

ICWSM 2022

Information Needs of Essential Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Marianne Aubin Le Quéré, Ting-Wei Chiang, Karen Levy, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2022

Characterizing Alternative Monetization Strategies on YouTube

Yiqing Hua, Manoel Horta Ribeiro, Robert West, Thomas Ristenpart, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2022

Stop the [Image] Steal: The Role and Dynamics of Visual Content in the 2020 US Election Misinformation Campaign

Hana Matatov, Mor Naaman, Ofra Amir

CSCW 2022

Characterizing Reddit Participation of Users Who Engage in the QAnon Conspiracy Theories

Kristen Engel, Yiqing Hua, Taixiang Zeng, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2022

Increasing adversarial uncertainty to scale private similarity testing

Yiqing Hua, Armin Namavari, Kaishuo Cheng, Mor Naaman, Thomas Ristenpart


VoterFraud2020: a Multi-modal Dataset of Election Fraud Claims on Twitter

Anton Abilov, Yiqing Hua, Hana Matatov, Ofra Amir, Mor Naaman

ICWSM 2021

'Positive Energy': Perceptions and Attitudes Towards COVID-19 Information on Social Media in China

Zhicong Lu, Yue Jiang, Chenxinran Shen, Margaret Jack, Daniel Wigdor, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2021

# Trend Alert: How a Cross-Platform Organization Manipulated Twitter Trends in the Indian General Election

Maurice Jakesch, Kiran Garimella, Dean Eckles, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2021

AI-Mediated Communication: Language Use and Interpersonal Effects in a Referential Communication Task

Hannah Mieczkowski, Jeffrey T. Hancock, Mor Naaman, Malte Jung, Jess Hohenstein

CSCW 2021

How Partisan Crowds Affect News Evaluation

Maurice Jakesch, Moran Koren, Anna Evtushenko, Mor Naaman

Truth and Trust Online (TTO) 2020

AI-Mediated Communication: Definition, Research Agenda, and Ethical Considerations

Jeffrey T Hancock, Mor Naaman, Karen Levy

Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 25(1). 2020.

Towards Measuring Adversarial Twitter Interactions against Candidates in the US Midterm Elections

Yiqing Hua, Thomas Ristenpart, Mor Naaman.

ICWSM 2020

Characterizing Twitter Users Who Engage in Adversarial Interactions against Political Candidates

Yiqing Hua, Mor Naaman, Thomas Ristenpart

CHI 2020

Best Paper Honorable Mention

The Government`s Dividend: Complex Perceptions of Social Media Misinformation in China

Zhicong Lu, Yue Jiang, Cheng Lu, Mor Naaman, Daniel Wigdor

CHI 2020

Understanding Reader Backtracking Behavior in Online News Articles

Uzi Smadja, Max Grusky, Yoav Artzi, Mor Naaman

WWW 2019

How Intention Informed Recommendations Modulate Choices: A Field Study of Spoken Word Content

Longqi Yang, Michael Sobolev, Yu Wang, Jenny Chen, Drew Dunne, Christina Tsangouri, Nicola Dell, Mor Naaman, Deborah Estrin

WWW 2019

When Do People Trust Their Social Groups?

Xiao Ma, Justin Cheng, Shankar Iyer, Mor Naaman

CHI 2019

AI-Mediated Communication: How the Perception that Profile Text was Written by AI Affects Trustworthiness

Maurice Jakesch, Megan French, Xiao Ma, Jeff Hancock, Mor Naaman

CHI 2019

DejaVu: A System for Journalists to Collaboratively Address Visual Misinformation

Hana Matatov, Adina Bechhofer, Lora Aroyo, Ofra Amir, Mor Naaman

Computation + Journalism 2019

The Role of Source and Expressive Responding in Political News Evaluation

Maurice Jakesch, Moran Koren, Anna Evtushenko, Mor Naaman

Computation + Journalism 2019

More than Just Words: Modeling Non-textual Characteristics of Podcasts

Longqi Yang, Yu Wang, Drew Dunne, Michael Sobolev, Mor Naaman, Deborah Estrin

WSDM 2019

Understanding Image Quality and Trust in Peer-to-Peer Marketplaces

Xiao Ma, Lina Mezghani, Kimberly Wilber, Hui Hong, Robinson Piramuthu, Mor Naaman, Serge Belongie.

WACV 2019

ShareBox: Designing A Physical System to Support Resource Exchange in Local Communities

Matthew Law, Mor Naaman, Nicola Dell

DIS 2018

A Dataset of 1.3 Million Summaries with Diverse Extractive Strategies

Max Grusky, Mor Naaman, Yoav Artzi

NAACL 2018

Web-based VR Experiments Powered by the Crowd

Xiao Ma, Megan Cackett, Leslie Park, Eric Chien, Mor Naaman

WWW 2018

A Multi-site Investigation of Community Awareness Through Passive Location Sharing

Emily Sun, Mor Naaman

CHI 2018

A Computational Approach to Perceived Trustworthiness of Airbnb Host Profiles

Xiao Ma, Trishala Neeraj, Mor Naaman

ICWSM 2017

MoveMeant: Anonymously Building Community Through Shared Location Histories

Emily Sun, Ross McLachlan, Mor Naaman

CHI 2017

Modeling Sub-Document Attention Using Viewport Time

Max Grusky, Jeiran Jahani, Josh Schwartz, Dan Valente, Yoav Artzi, Mor Naaman

CHI 2017

'People Are Either Too Fake or Too Real': Opportunities and Challenges in Tie-Based Anonymity

Xiao Ma, Nazanin Andalibi, Louise Barkhuus, Mor Naaman

CHI 2017

Self-disclosure and Perceived Trustworthiness of Airbnb Host Profiles

Xiao Ma, Jeff Hancock, Kenneth Lim Mingjie, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2017

Best Paper Honorable Mention

What Happens in happn? The Warranting Power of Location History

Xiao Ma, Emily Sun, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2017

Understanding Feedback Expectations on Facebook

Nir Grinberg, Shankar Kalyanaraman, Lada A. Adamic, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2017

TAMIES: A Study and Model of Adoption in P2P Resource Sharing and Indirect Exchange Systems

Emily Sun, Ross McLachlan, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2017

Immersive Recommendation: News and Event Recommendations Using Personal Digital Traces

Cheng-Kang Hsieh, Longqi Yang, Honghao Wei, Mor Naaman, Deborah Estrin

WWW 2016

Anonymity, Intimacy and Self-Disclosure in Social Media

Xiao Ma, Jeff Hancock, Mor Naaman

CHI 2016

Changes in Engagement Before and After Posting to Facebook

Nir Grinberg, P. Alex Dow, Lada A. Adamic, Mor Naaman

CHI 2016

Best Paper Honorable Mention

A Data-driven Study of View Duration on YouTube

Minsu Park, Jonah Berger, Mor Naaman

ICWSM 2016

Editorial Algorithms: Using Social Media to Discover and Report Local News

Raz Schwarz, Mor Naaman, Rannie Teodoro

ICWSM 2015

Understanding Musical Diversity via Online Social Media

Minsu Park, Ingmar Weber, Mor Naaman, Sarah Vieweg

ICWSM 2015

On the Accuracy of Hyper-local Geotagging of Social Media Content

David Flatow, Mor Naaman, Ke Eddie Xie, Yana Volkovich, Yaron Kanza

WSDM 2015

What Is New in Our City? A Framework for Event Extraction Using Social Media Posts

Chaolun Xia , Jun Hu, Yan Zhu, Mor Naaman

PAKDD 2015

Understanding Loneliness in Social Awareness Streams: Expressions and Responses

Funda Kivran-Swaine, Jeremy Ting, Jed Richards Brubaker, Rannie Teodoro, Mor Naaman

ICWSM 2014

City, Self, Network: Transnational Migrants and Online Identity Work

Jessa Lingel, Mor Naaman, danah boyd

CSCW 2014

The Motivations and Experiences of the On-demand Mobile Workforce

Rannie Teodoro, Pinar Ozturk, Mor Naaman, Winter Mason, Janne Lindqvist

CSCW 2014

Effects of Gender and Tie Strength on Twitter Interactions

Funda Kivran-Swaine, Samuel Brody, Mor Naaman

First Monday. 2013.

Extracting Diurnal Patterns of Real World Activity from Social Media

Nir Grinberg, Mor Naaman, Blake Shaw, Gilad Lotan

ICWSM 2013

Fitter with Twitter: Understanding Personal Health and Fitness Activity in Social Media

Rannie Teodoro, Mor Naaman

ICWSM 2013

Finding and Assessing Social Media Information Sources in the Context of Journalism

Nicholas Diakopoulos, Mummun De Choudhury, Mor Naaman

CHI 2012

Best Paper Honorable Mention

Making a Scene: Alignment of Complete Sets of Clips based on Pairwise Audio Match

Kai Su, Mor Naaman, Avadhut Gurjar, Mohsin Patel, Dan Ellis

ICMR 2012

On the Study of Diurnal Urban Routines on Twitter

Mor Naaman, Amy Zhang, Samuel Brody, Gilad Lotan

ICWSM 2012

Identifying Content for Planned Events Across Social Media Sites

Hila Becker, Dan Iter, Mor Naaman, Luis Gravano

WSDM 2012

Unfolding the Event Landscape on Twitter: Classification and Exploration of User Categories

Munmun De Choudhury, Nicholas Diakopoulos, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2012

Practices of information and secrecy in a punk rock subculture

Jessa Lingel, Aaron Trammell, Joe Sanchez, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2012

You Should Have Been There, Man: Live Music, DIY Content and Online Communities

Jessa Lingel, Mor Naaman

New Media & Society. 2012.

Social multimedia: highlighting opportunities for search and mining of multimedia data in social media applications

Mor Naaman

Multimedia Tools and Applications, 56. 2012.

Beyond Trending Topics: Real-World Event Identification on Twitter

Hila Becker, Mor Naaman, Luis Gravano

ICWSM 2011

Selecting Quality Twitter Content for Events

Hila Becker, Mor Naaman, Luis Gravano

ICWSM 2011

Hip and Trendy: Characterizing Emerging Trends on Twitter

Mor Naaman, Hila Becker, Luis Gravano

JASIST. 2011.

The Impact of Network Structure on Breaking Ties in Online Social Networks: Unfollowing on Twitter

Funda Kivran-Swaine, Priya Govindan, Mor Naaman

CHI 2011

Playable Data: Characterizing the Design Space of Game-y Infographics

Nicholas Diakopoulos, Mor Naaman, Funda Kivran-Swaine

CHI 2011

Network Properties and Social Sharing of Emotions in Social Awareness Streams

Funda Kivran-Swaine, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2011

Towards Quality Discourse in Online News Comments

Nicholas Diakopoulos, Mor Naaman

CSCW 2011

Diamonds in the Rough: Social Media Visual Analytics for Journalistic Inquiry

Nicholas Diakopoulos, Mor Naaman, Funda Kivran-Swaine

VAST 2010

Learning Similarity Metrics for Event Identification in Social Media

Hila Becker, Mor Naaman, Luis Gravano

WSDM 2010

Is it Really About Me? Message Content in Social Awareness Streams

Mor Naaman, Jeff Boase, Chih-Hui Lai

CSCW 2010

Requirements for Mobile Photoware

Morgan Ames, Dean Eckles, Mor Naaman, Mirjana Spasojevic, Nancy Van House

Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 14. 2010.

Analysis of Participation in an Online Photo-Sharing Community: A Multidimensional Perspective

Oded Nov, Mor Naaman, Chen Ye

Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61. 2009.

Social Inference Risk Modeling in Mobile and Social Applications

Sara Motahari, Sotirios Ziavras, Mor Naaman, Mohamed Ismail, Quentin Jones


Event Identification in Social Media

Hila Becker, Mor Naaman, Luis Gravano

WebDB 2009

Motivational, Structural and Tenure Factors that Impact Online Community Photo Sharing

Oded Nov, Mor Naaman, Chen Ye

ICWSM 2009

Best Paper Award

Less Talk, More Rock: Automated Organization of Community-Contributed Collections of Concert Videos

Lyndon Kennedy, Mor Naaman

WWW 2009

Methods for extracting place semantics from Flickr tags

Tye Rattenbury, Mor Naaman

ACM Transactions on the Web. 2009.

ZoneTag's Collaborative Tag Suggestions: What is This Person Doing in My Phone?

Mor Naaman, Rahul Nair

IEEE Multimedia. 2008.

Generating Diverse and Representative Image Search Results for Landmarks

Lyndon Kennedy, Mor Naaman

WWW 2008

Photos on the Go: A Mobile Application Case Study

Mor Naaman, Rahul Nair, Vlad Kaplun

CHI 2008

What Drives Content Tagging: The Case of Photos on Flickr

Oded Nov, Mor Naaman, Chen Ye

CHI 2008

How Flickr Helps us Make Sense of the World: Context and Content in Community-Contributed Media Collections.

Lyndon Kennedy, Mor Naaman, Shane Ahern, Rahul Nair, Tye Rattenbury

ACM Multimedia 2007

Zurfer: Mobile Multimedia Access in Spatial, Social and Topical Context

Amy Hwang, Shane Ahern, Simon King, Mor Naaman, Rahul Nair, Jeannie Yang

ACM Multimedia 2007

Towards Automatic Extraction of Event and Place Semantics from Flickr Tags

Tye Rattenbury, Nathan Good, Mor Naaman

SIGIR 2007

World Explorer: Visualizing Aggregate Data from Unstructured Text in Geo-Referenced Collections

Shane Ahern, Mor Naaman, Rahul Nair, Jeannie Yang

JCDL 2007

Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award

Why We Tag: Motivations for Annotation in Mobile and Online Media

Morgan Ames, Mor Naaman

CHI 2007

Over-Exposed? Privacy Patterns and Considerations in Online and Mobile Photo Sharing

Shane Ahern, Dean Eckles, Nathan Good, Simon King, Mor Naaman, Rahul Nair

CHI 2007

(Invited column) Eyes on the World

Mor Naaman

IEEE Computer Magazine. 2006.

Generating Summaries and Visualization for Large Collections of Geo-Referenced Photographs

Alexander Jaffe, Mor Naaman, Tamir Tassa, Marc Davis

MIR 2006

HT06, Tagging Paper, Taxonomy, Flickr, Academic Article, ToRead

Cameron Marlow, Mor Naaman, danah boyd, Marc Davis


Leveraging Geo-Referenced Digital Photographs

Mor Naaman

Ph.D. Thesis. 2005.

Leveraging Context to Resolve Identity in Photo Albums

Mor Naaman, Ron B. Yeh, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke

JCDL 2005

Assigning Textual Names to Sets of Geographic Coordinates

Mor Naaman, Yee Jiun Song, Andreas Paepcke, Hector Garcia-Molina

Journal of Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems. 2005.

Context Data in Geo-Referenced Digital Photo Collections

Mor Naaman, Susumu Harada, QianYing Wang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas Paepcke

ACM Multimedia 2004

Adventures in Space and Time: Browsing Personal Collections of Geo-Referenced Digital Photographs

Mor Naaman, Susumu Harada, QianYing Wang, Andreas Paepcke

Stanford Technical Report. 2004.

Automatic Organization for Digital Photographs with Geographic Coordinates

Mor Naaman, Yee Jiun Song, Andreas Paepcke, Hector Garcia-Molina

JCDL 2004

Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award

Lost in Memories: Interacting With Large Photo Collections on PDAs

Susumu Harada, Mor Naaman, Yee Jiun Song, QianYing Wang, Andreas Paepcke

JCDL 2004

From Where to What: Metadata Sharing for Digital Photographs with Geographic Coordinates

Mor Naaman, Andreas Paepcke, Hector Garcia-Molina


Recent News

March 2023. Our paper is out in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) (more info).

Sep 2022. Gave keynote talk at ACM RecSys 2022 on AI-mediated Communication (more info).

Jul 2021. Thanks to the NSF for a new award to study abuse prevention in E2EE platforms (with Tom Ristenpart, Amy Zhang, Nate Matias, James Grimmelmann) (more info).

Apr 2021. Invited speaker for the Future of the Web track in The Web Conference 2021 (more info).


For more information about the Social Technologies lab and the people I am lucky to work with, check out our lab website.

Website Design

Design by Martin Saveski, forked by permission from his Github. My version has some additional features; you can fork it from here.